Midwest Worms - Making Composting With Worms Easy!
Midwest Worms sells Red Wiggler Worms, European Nightcrawlers, African Nightcrawlers and Compost Worm Mix throughout the United States. With a little information, our free personal instructions and our high quality products, we will get you on your way to not only having great compost but enjoying the process! It is our goal to provide you with the information, education and products you need to be successful in your farming and planting. And if you prefer to not raise the worms and make your own worm castings, we sell the high quality castings as well.

Why Worm Composting?
At Midwest Worms, we care about health.
The sad truth is the nutritional value of our food is in decline. Erosion is rapidly degrading our topsoil and robbing it of the neccessary minerals and nutrients our bodies need. Without a healthy, nutrient rich topsoil, we cannot grow the high quality crops needed to supply our population with healthy food. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 3 tons of topsoil per acre per year is lost. We are now learning that it can take multiple decades for that top soil to form naturally. The good news is composting worms can generate the highest quality compost there is faster than any other source. This compost, known as vermicompost, replenishes the soil while increasing the quantity and the quality of topsoil.
Why put all your organic waste (as well as other waste like newspaper, cardboard, even the leaves we rake up in our yard) into a landfill causing more problems? By adding this same waste to a small container with composting worms, you will turn it into vermicompost, also known as “Black Gold."
It’s easy! It’s inexpensive! It’s good for you and the world in which we live!
The Worms are the Key!
Composting worms are the key to the process. If you are new to worm composting, we recommended you start out with Red Wigglers (their official name is Eisenia Fetida). Red Wigglers are the easiest to manage, tolerate the widest range of conditions, breed very fast and thus compost quickly. We can guide you on how to set up your bin, which will make this process no work at all.
If you are an experienced worm farmer then “the big brother of the Red Wigglers,” the European Nightcrawlers (their official name is Eisenia Hortensis), are good composters and may possibly be the best fishing bait worm in the world. However, if you are a new worm farmer and want to start with European Nightcrawlers just be aware they can be a little more challenging. They can be more restless when the conditions in the bin/system are not just right. If possible, they may try to crawl out or begin to struggle and die. Please be prepared to watch them a little closer when working with them before ordering. The easiest/simplest way to start and have great success is to start out with the Compost Worm Mix.

Worm Compost is Best!
Composting worms are what make vermicompost so much better than normal, thermophilic compost. Worm composting, or vermicomposting, lets you compost your excess food scraps or farm animal manure easily. The result is an amazing compost! The castings (worm manure) in the vermicompost contain more available nitrogen, potash, and calcium than regular compost. Vermicompost also acts like an all-natural herbicide and pesticide by increasing the plant’s natural resistance to disease and pests. There truely is no better substance on the planet for your plants than worm castings.